Pregnancy in Rural Areas: A sharp contrast to the modern, contemporary western world
Many women in rural areas travel to a hospital or Rural Health Clinic (#RHC) after their labor has begun. Access to adequate #healthcare that otherwise meant walking over 16km for the nearest care (three hours for a healthy adult).
At eight months pregnant, women begin their walking journey to the nearest health facility as the one I've visited in the Mansa District, Luapula Provence to stay there until they deliver their baby.
Beds consisting of a bare springs with an old mat and blankets on top, it’s crazy to think that this is what women get to sleep on straight after labour. A sharp contrast to the modern, contemporary rooms in the western world.
As a side note: Malaria and Pregnancy
Pregnant women are 3 times more likely to suffer from severe disease as a result of malarial infection compared with their nonpregnant counterparts, and have a mortality rate from severe disease that approaches 50%
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© 2018 by MARTIN VOGT
Labor room were the beds consisting of a bare springs with an old straw mat and blankets on top. © 2018 by MARTIN VOGT