A Day in the Life of a Rural Midwife
Midwife ZELIPE counseling a mother.
© 2017 by MARTIN VOGT www.martinvogt.ch
I went to Zambia for Novartis Social Business in December 2017 to work on a story on the roll-out of 'SMS for Life'. The program aims to eliminate stock-outs of essential medicines through simple, affordable and widely available technologies. During my assignment in Zambia I've covered the daily life of a few healthcare workers from peripheral health facilities incl. a prison health centre situated outside the correctional facility but within walking distance. This is one of the stories I found:
May I introduce you to Nurse-midwife Zelipe who runs the Rural Health Centre in the Mansa District, Luapula Provence. Together with other health care volunteers Zelipe serves a catchment population of up to 10,000 people
Services offered in this RHC include HIV Counseling and Testing (HCT), Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission of HIV (PMTCT), emergency obstetric care (EMOC), TB diagnosis and delivery services.
In her honor, I wish to share the typical working day of one midwife I’ve observed during my stay.
Stay tuned for more...
© 2018 by MARTIN VOGT www.martinvogt.ch